Our Standards

Looking for Cannabis That's Better for You and the Planet?

Choose Sun+Earth Certified. Sun+Earth Certified cannabis isn't just about a buzz, it's about a commitment to quality, sustainability, and your well-being.

Sun and Earth Cannabis Certification
Sun and Earth Organic

Here’s Why

Grown with Nature, Not Chemicals. Sun+Earth certified cannabis is cultivated using only organic, regenerative practices. That means:

  • Grown in Living Soil: Our farmers nurture the earth, building healthy soil teeming with life that results in robust, flavorful cannabis.
  • Powered by the Sun: Forget artificial lights – our cannabis thrives under the natural power of the sun, just as nature intended.
  • Free from Harmful Chemicals: We say NO to toxic pesticides, herbicides, and synthetic fertilizers that harm your health and the environment.
Sun and Earth Better for You and Planet

Better for You, 

Better for the Planet

Choosing Sun+Earth Certified cannabis means:

  • Enjoying a Cleaner Smoke: Experience the pure taste and aroma of naturally grown cannabis, free from chemical residues.
  • Supporting Sustainable Practices: Help protect our planet by supporting farms committed to regenerative agriculture that replenishes the earth.
  • Promoting Fair Labor: Know that your cannabis was grown with respect for the farmers and workers who dedicate themselves to this craft.
Sun and Earth rigorous standards

Our Rigorous Standards

Earning the Sun+Earth Certified seal is no easy feat. Our stringent standards ensure that every farm we certify meets the highest bar for:

  • Soil Health and Fertility: We analyze soil health to ensure it's teeming with beneficial microbes and free from harmful contaminants.
  • Water Conservation: We promote water-wise practices that conserve this precious resource.
  • Energy Efficiency: Our farms minimize their carbon footprint by utilizing renewable energy sources and reducing waste.
  • Social Responsibility: We prioritize fair wages, safe working conditions, and equitable practices for all.
Sun and Earth LogoMake the Conscious Choice

Make the Conscious Choice

The next time you choose cannabis, look for the Sun+Earth Certified seal. It's your guarantee of premium quality, sustainable practices, and a commitment to a healthier future for all.